Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Philip's Atlas of the Universe

Philip's Atlas of the Universe (Sir Patrick Moore)

Recommended as 'the best introduction to astronomy' by the Journal of the British Astronomical Association, Philip's Atlas of the Universe is a clear and accessible reference to the stars, the planets and the universe, written by Britain's best-known astronomer, Sir Patrick Moore.

For this new edition, the text has been fully revised and updated to include the latest discoveries made by the current range of space missions.

There are new photographs, including a selection of those obtained by the Cassini spacecraft now in orbit about Saturn, and the Huygens space probe as it descended to the surface of Saturn's moon Titan.
Also included are images returned by Mars Express and the Mars landers Spirit and Opportunity.

Features new images from the Cassini spacecraft and Huygens probe, the Hubble Space Telescope, the Very Large Telescope and Mars Express.

Recommended as 'the best introduction to astronomy' by the Journal of the British Astronomical Association.

Download Link:

Atlas of The Universe - Sir Patrick Moore


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