Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Smart Thinking Skills for Critical Understanding and Writing

Smart Thinking Skills for Critical Understanding and Writing

2nd Edition by Matthew Allen (Oxford University)

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Smart Thinking Skills for Critical Understanding and Writing 2nd Edition


The Seven Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth

Starting a small business and making it a success isn’t easy. In fact, most small business owners don’t get rich and many fail. This book presents the straight truth on small business success. It doesn’t offer cure-alls for every small business. Instead, it outlines real, effective principles for continued small business growth and success. Written by business growth expert Steven Little, The 7 Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth skips empty small business positivism in exchange for real-world, practical solutions. If you’re a small business owner or an entrepreneur just starting out, you’ll find answers to all your most important questions on topics such as technology, business plans, hiring, and much more.

Written from an insiders perspective, this book presents the straight truth on small business success. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme and it doesn't offer cure-alls for every small business. Instead, it outlines real, effective principles for sustained small business growth and success. Written by business growth expert Steven Little, The 7 Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth skips pie-in-the-sky theory in exchange for real-world, practical solutions. Readers will find answers to the small business owner's most important questions on such topics as technology, planning, hiring, globalization, and the near-term future of small business in America.

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The 7 Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth


Overview of the Principles of Business Writing

Overview of the Principles of Business Writing

Adjust the scope and scale of your writing to influence the attitude and behaviour of your readers. Develop a brief and outline, execute these consistently.

Identify the purpose of what you are writing about and connect it to your readers’ values, beliefs and ambitions. Avoid buzzwords, embrace relationships and use sensory language.

Be precise in your use of language. Do not write what something is, explain what it means to people and the organisation.

Empower and respect your readers by allowing them to critically evaluate your claims. Elaborate or provide verifiable proof, ideally from independent outsiders.

Use sequence, consistency, guidance and balance to build a structure that guides your reader though the text.

Find the essence of your story, make it self-evident, describe it simply and economically, structure it logically and make the whole thing flow.

Be humble while writing and editing. Critically judge your work, recognise dissenting views, avoid spin doctoring, be genuine.

And much much more...

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Learn the Principles of Business Writing


Pillars of Prosperity by Ron Paul

Pillars of Prosperity
(Free Markets, Honest Money & Private Property)

This economic manifesto by Ron Paul (484 pages!) collects his greatest speeches and debates over the last 30 years, and provides documentary evidence that he is not only a master of the topic; he has provided a coherent explanation of nearly everything the government has done wrong in this area since he first entered public office. He also provides a way out, as implied by the subtitle: free market, honest money, and private property.

Dr. Ron Paul has consistently battled for all three.

Economics is topic about which most politicians are abysmally ignorant. As this books shows, Ron Paul is a master of the topic and the nation's teacher on a vast range of economic issues. He addresses monetary policy during critical times such as the late 1970s inflation mania, and was a lone voice pointing to the real cause of Federal Reserve monetary policy.

Whereas most members of Congress are intimidated by Fed officials, Paul's confrontations with Greenspan are documented here word for word. In addition, he reveals the social and economic effects of loose credit, and shows the ill-effects of bailouts. He addresses high taxes, regulation, trade restrictions, and bravely denounces sanctions against foreign countries for fueling international tensions.

He also explains his view of free trade, for the real thing but against misnamed treaties that embroil international traders in bureaucracy.

He covers welfare, bureaucracy, war, and a a host of other economic topics in what is surely the most comprehensive, intelligent, and revealing book on economics ever written by a U.S. political figure -- all informed by the Austrian tradition of thought that has so influenced his thinking.

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Pillars of Prosperity by Ron Paul


Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy is a business strategy book that promotes a systematic approach "for making the competition irrelevant." It contains retrospective case studies and suggests theoretical approaches to creating "blue oceans" of uncontested market space ripe for growth. The book has sold more than a million copies in its first year of publication and is being published in 39 languages.

The metaphor of red and blue oceans describes the market universe. Red oceans are all the industries in existence today—the known market space. In the red oceans, industry boundaries are defined and accepted, and the competitive rules of the game are known. Here companies try to outperform their rivals to grab a greater share of product or service demand. As the market space gets crowded, prospects for profits and growth are reduced. Products become commodities or niche, and cutthroat competition turns the red ocean bloody. Hence, the term red oceans.

Blue Oceans, in contrast, denote all the industries not in existence today—the unknown market space, untainted by competition. In blue oceans, demand is created rather than fought over. There is ample opportunity for growth that is both profitable and rapid. In blue oceans, competition is irrelevant because the rules of the game are waiting to be set. Blue ocean is an analogy to describe the wider, deeper potential of market space that is not yet explored.

The corner-stone of Blue Ocean Strategy is 'Value Innovation'. A blue ocean is created when a company achieves value innovation that creates value simultaneously for both the buyer and the company. The innovation (in product, service, or delivery) must raise and create value for the market, while simultaneously reducing or eliminating features or services that are less valued by the current or future market. The authors critique Michael Porter's idea that successful business are either low-cost providers or niche-players. Instead, they propose finding value that crosses conventional market segmentation and offering value and lower cost.

This idea was originally proposed by Prof. Charles W. L. Hill from Michigan State University in 1988. Prof. Hill claimed that Porter's model was flawed because differentiation can be a means for firms to achieve low cost. Prof. Hill proposed that a combination of differentiation and low cost may be necessary for firms to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

Many others have proposed similar strategies. For example, Swedish professors Jonas Ridderstråle and Kjell Nordström in their 1999 book Funky Business follow a similar line of reasoning. For example, "competing factors" in Blue Ocean Strategy are similar to the definition of "finite and infinite dimensions" in Funky Business. Just as Blue Ocean Strategy claims that a Red Ocean Strategy does not guarantee success, Funky Business explained that "Competitive Strategy is the route to nowhere". Funky Business argues that firms need to create "Sensational Strategies". Just like Blue Ocean Strategy, a Sensational Strategy is about "playing a different game" according to Ridderstrale and Nordstrom. Ridderstrale and Nordstrom also claim that the aim of companies is to create temporary monopolies. Kim and Mauborgne explain that the aim of companies is to create blue oceans, that will eventually turn red. This is the same idea expressed in the form of an analogy. Ridderstrale and Nordstrom also claimed in 1999 that "in the slow-growth 1990s overcapacity is the norm in most businesses". Kim and Mauborgne claim that blue ocean strategy make sense in a world that supply exceeds demand.

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Harvard Business Press - Blue Ocean Strategy - 2005


Philip's Atlas of the Universe

Philip's Atlas of the Universe (Sir Patrick Moore)

Recommended as 'the best introduction to astronomy' by the Journal of the British Astronomical Association, Philip's Atlas of the Universe is a clear and accessible reference to the stars, the planets and the universe, written by Britain's best-known astronomer, Sir Patrick Moore.

For this new edition, the text has been fully revised and updated to include the latest discoveries made by the current range of space missions.

There are new photographs, including a selection of those obtained by the Cassini spacecraft now in orbit about Saturn, and the Huygens space probe as it descended to the surface of Saturn's moon Titan.
Also included are images returned by Mars Express and the Mars landers Spirit and Opportunity.

Features new images from the Cassini spacecraft and Huygens probe, the Hubble Space Telescope, the Very Large Telescope and Mars Express.

Recommended as 'the best introduction to astronomy' by the Journal of the British Astronomical Association.

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Atlas of The Universe - Sir Patrick Moore


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich! is a motivational book. Written by Napoleon Hill and inspired by a suggestion by Andrew Carnegie, it was published in 1937 at the end of the Great Depression. It was the biggest seller of Napoleon Hill's books, selling a claimed 20 million copies over the next 50 years (although Alice Payne Hackett's 70 Years of Best Sellers suggests the figure was considerably lower).

In 2004, Ross Cornwell published Think and Grow Rich!: The Original Version, Restored and Revised (Second Printing 2007), which restored the book to its original content, with slight revisions, and added the first comprehensive endnotes, index, and appendix the book had ever contained.

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Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill


Friday, August 21, 2009

Body Language

Body Language

What people say is often very different from what they think or feel–but how do you tell? The answer lies in the study of body language. A person's gestures are very accurate indicators of his or her attitudes, thoughts, desires, or emotions.
This book examines aspects of non-verbal communication in a wide variety of everyday contexts. It discusses techniques that show you how to interpret gestures correctly and thus to 'read' the underlying thoughts or emotions.

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Incredible Visual Illusions

Incredible Visual Illusions
Chartwell Books - ISBN: 0785821732 - 77 pages - July 30, 2006 - PDF - 34 mb

A fascinating collection of optical illusions, many of which have never before been
published in this form. Caltech cognitive vision scientist Al Seckel , the worlds leading authority in optical illusions, has assembled this collection from the many thousands in his possessions.

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Creativity and the Brain

Kenneth M. Heilman, "Creativity and the Brain"
Psychology Press; 1 edition (April 26, 2005) - ISBN:1841694258 - 224 pages - PDF - 3,3 Mb

Recommended to all college-level libraries for its long-term reference value in multiple disciplines -- including Psychology and Neurology. Further recommended to Psychology instructors as a primary text for all courses that examine how the mind develops the individual..
–John Aiello, The Electric Review

Book Description
Creativity is one of the most important of human attributes. We use creativity to provide for our biological needs, prolong our life and the lives of people for whom we care, reduce pain and suffering, and bring beauty, meaning and joy to our lives.
Although many scholars have investigated ideas and observations about the brain mechanisms that might be important for creativity, the neurobiological basis of creativity still remains a riddle.
In Creativity and the Brain, Kenneth Heilman explores the possible brain mechanisms which underlie creativity, by reviewing the existing evidence and putting forward new ideas. On the way, he discusses the relationships between creativity and intelligence, brain anatomy, neuropharmacology, addiction, handedness, sex differences, and mood states such as depression. He also addresses the effects of neurological disorders and aging, as well as the influence of environmental factors such as tolerance and nurturing.
The book will be of interest to neuroscientists, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists and educators The engaging and succinct style of this book also make it appealing to students, and researchers from a variety of disciplines who have an interest in understanding the brain mechanisms underlying creativity.

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Friday, August 14, 2009

The Oxford book of Health Foods

The Oxford book of Health Foods

Health foods and dietary supplements are widely used throughout the world - it is estimated that more than seventy million people in Europe regularly buy these products, and it is a billion dollar business in the USA. Health foods include vitamins, minerals, cereals, nuts, herbal medicines, functional foods, and many others. A large number of people use these foods in the belief that they contribute to their general health, while, in most countries, little or no information is given on products explaining their therapeutic values. The Oxford Book of Health Foods begins with an account of modern concepts of human nutrition, followed by a series of over one hundred accounts of individual health foods and dietary supplements. In all cases the importance of these products in human health is explained, and, for herbal medicines, the evidence for their claimed therapeutic value is given, and toxic effects are described. Full-colour illustrations accompany these accounts. The Oxford Book of Health Foods will be of interest not just to health professionals, but to all people with an interest in health foods and healthy eating. The text is supplemented throughout by beautifully drawn botanical illustrations.

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The 100% Brain Course

The 100% Brain Course

Creative Exercises to Develop 100% of Your Brain

This gigantic 21st Century course manual has a staggering accumulation of 223 mind exercises designed to allow a person to use their complete brain. The exercises involve balancing your emotions, increasing your memory, improving your creativity, enhancing your sensory appreciation and much, much more - time distortion, lightning calculating, speed reading, self-hypnosis, multi-tasking, etc

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You can Win - A Step by Step tool for Top Achievers by Shiv Khera

You can Win - A Step by Step tool for Top Achievers by Shiv Khera

Many times, motivational books are either difficult to read or impractical, even if you appreciate it. This book takes things right from your daily life and turns them into positive thrust.Absolutely marvellously written and highly recommended book for those, who pursue balanced personality.

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Download - You Can Win - A Step by Step Tool for Top Achievers


Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Little Book of Planet Earth

The Little Book of Planet Earth

The Little Book of Planet Earth presents a concise description of the geological evolution of Earth from its formation. Meissner describes in detailed but accessible prose not just the planet's features, but the tools that modern geologists use to explore and track the ever-changing subterranean and surface features of the planet. With a particular gift for expressing how the forces in and around our planet constantly alter the world we live in, the author introduces lay readers to the key topics in modern earth and planetary science: the creation of Earth and its moon (as well as stars and other planets), the role of seismology in analyzing Earth's structure, the formation of mountain ranges and basins, the role of plate tectonics, the significance of Earth's magnetic field, and the complex relationship of our planet's geology to the life forms found there.

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How To Sleep Less and Have More Energy Than You Ever Had

How To Sleep Less and Have More Energy Than You Ever Had

Powerful Sleep / Secrets of the Inner Sleep Clock
How To Sleep Less and Have More Energy Than You Ever Had Before
by Kacper M. Postawski,

Is it possible to sleep for 4-5 hours and feel more rested, more alert, and more energized than you did when you slept for 8 or 9 hours (or more)?

Yes it is! While this e-book may be short, the information in it is extremely powerful, do not underestimate it. This is state of the art optimum life performance information, which may shatter some of your old beliefs about sleep, and give you many learnings and understandings that you will be able to use to revolutionize your life. If you follow the information in this short e-book you will be able to:

1) Reduce your sleeping time.
2) Increase the Quality of your Sleep
3) Gain more energy than you ever had before.
4) Eliminate all feelings of drowsiness / inability to concentrate during the day.
5) Reduce your Daily Stress Levels

Just imagine what radical changes you could create, and what things you could accomplish in your life if you were able to sleep just half as much as you do now?

Time is the most precious commodity we have in our lives! Or what you could do if you slept the same amount of time you do right now, but the sleep you got was more energizing and fulfilling than ever before?

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Couples, Kids, and Family Life (Social Worlds from the Inside Out)

Couples, Kids, and Family Life (Social Worlds from the Inside Out)

Publisher:Oxford University Press, USA (2005-10-20) - ISBN-10: 0195177916 - PDF - 4.3 Mb - 224 pages

Couples, Kids, and Family Life approaches the realm of family from the inside out. It offers a distinctive view of what the social worlds of family life might look like from the standpoint of ?insiders??family members. The book is organized around the theme that social worlds are not collections of facts and figures, but comprise intensely shared and personal constellations of talk and interaction. Family life is more complex and fluid than survey statistics make it out to be. Families are more than enumerations of household composition or demographic trends. Like all social worlds, family is comprised of ordinary actions undertaken in relation to others, in which meaning and communication are the working subject matter of everyday life.

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Say It Right the First Time

Say It Right the First Time

Get what you want at work the first time and every time

Being a business professional is all about managing, motivating, and leading, or, in other words, getting people to do what you want. And, far and away, the most important tool for accomplishing this objective is language.

Written by an internationally recognized expert on business communications, this book offers managers deep insights into the power of language and how to wield it effectively in any organization.

Loretta Malandro arms readers with more than 200 power words and phrases designed to help readers become better managers, leaders, and coaches. She also reveals communication secrets such as emotional triggers, victim versus ownership language, escape phrases, as well as language for "softening the edges," reframing, accountability, and recovering from communication gaffes.

Malandro also provides:

* Invaluable insights into the emotional power of words
* Priceless techniques to connect with and move an audience
* Tips on recognizing "killer words" and overcoming the trouble they can cause
* An arsenal of strategies, scripts, work sheets, and self-tests for gauging current communication skills and pinpointing weaknesses.

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Techniques of Creative Thinking

Techniques of Creative Thinking

Fraser Pub. Co. - ISBN 0870340107 - 1964-06 - PDF - 287 pages - 5.31 MB

Techniques of Creative Thinking
By Robert P. Crawford

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Galaxies and How to Observe Them (Astronomers' Observing Guides)

Galaxies and How to Observe Them (Astronomers' Observing Guides)

Springer - ISBN 1852337524 - 2006-12-12 - PDF - 246 pages - 6.68 MB

Galaxies are perhaps the most popular of all visual targets that are sought after by visual observers. At present the only way to get up-to-date information, is to query various (often highly technical) speciality books or digging deeply into the InternetThis can be a time consuming and often frustrating task, as the data aren?t often compatible. This book satisfies the need for a modern, comprehensive review in combining the three major aspects: the physical background on the nature and data of galaxies, the relevant instrumentation and viewing techniques, and finally the targets and their individual appearance in telescopes of various apertures. To illustrate the latter, a comprehensive sample of galaxies, including quasars groups and clusters of galaxies is presented. This combination of theoretical knowledge and practical information guarantees successful observing sessions. The book could become a standard source on galaxy observing for all kinds of amateur observers, from the beginner to the experienced.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

After The Beginning: A Cosmic Journey Through Space And Time

After The Beginning: A Cosmic Journey Through Space And Time by Norman K. Glendenning

Imperial College Press - ISBN 1860944485 - 2004-08-31 - PD - 228 pages - 6.03 MB

In a brilliant flash about fourteen billion years ago, time and matter were born in a single instant of creation. An immensely hot and dense universe began its rapid expansion everywhere, creating space where there was no space and time where there was no time. In the intense fire just after the beginning, the lightest elements were forged, later to form primordial clouds that eventually evolved into galaxies, stars, and planets. This evolution is the story told in this fascinating book. Interwoven with the storyline are short pieces on the pioneering men and women who revealed those wonders to us.

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Understanding the Universe: From Quarks to the Cosmos

Understanding the Universe: From Quarks to the Cosmos by Don Lincoln

World Scientific Publishing Company - ISBN 981238703X - 2004-05-31 - PDF - 592 pages - 6.57 MB

The Big Bang, the birth of the universe, was a singular event. All of the matter of the universe was concentrated at a single point, with temperatures so high that even the familiar protons and neutrons of atoms did not yet exist, but rather were replaced by a swirling maelstrom of energy, matter and antimatter. Exotic quarks and leptons flickered briefly into existence, before merging back into the energy sea.
This book explains the fascinating world of quarks and leptons and the forces that govern their behavior. Told from an experimental physicist's perspective, it forgoes mathematical complexity, using instead particularly accessible figures and apt analogies. In addition to the story of quarks and leptons, which are regarded as well-accepted fact, the author who is a leading researcher at the world's highest energy particle physics laboratory also discusses mysteries on both the experimental and theoretical frontier, before tying it all together with the exciting field of cosmology and indeed the birth of the universe itself.

The text spans the tiny world of the quark to the depths of the universe with exceptional clarity. The casual student of science will appreciate the careful distinction between what is known (quarks, leptons and antimatter), what is suspected (Higgs bosons, neutrino oscillations and the reason why the universe has so little antimatter) and what is merely dreamed (supersymmetry, superstrings and extra dimensions). Included is an unprecedented chapter explaining the accelerators and detectors of modern particle physics experiments. The chapter discussing the hunt for the Higgs boson, currently consuming the efforts of nearly 1000 physicists, lends drama that only big-stakes science can give. Understanding the Universe leaves the reader with a deep appreciation of the fascinating particle realm and just how much it determines the rich beauty of our universe.

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